Governance and Code of Ethics

We believe that every solid company needs a Code of Ethics and a Governance Model, to ensure that the company development is in perfect harmony with the company‘s managerial, technical and commercial growth.
The Governance Model, drafted in accordance with Confindustria guidelines, sets the rules which apply to all entities (individuals and legal entities) in connection with Proge-Software.
The Model translates, into organizational rules, the principles and moral values prescribed by the Code of Ethics.
The Code of Ethics defines, with clearness and transparency, the system of values and ethical principles to which the company is inspired in achieving its business goals. It is a commitment of the entire business organization and any person related to the company itself to comply with the provisions of law, labor contracts and company regulations relating to ethics and legality.
The General Section and the Code of Ethics are released to the public with this publication.
Governance Model - General Section
Code of Ethics